Gavin Crowley

Gavin Crowley

Fullstack Developer
I like to build web apps with JavaScript-based technologies such as React.js and backend languages like Java.

In a previous life I worked as a data analyst with Apple but the web called me and I now love to craft quality web experiences.

I'm also a musician - here I am playing classical guitar at a friend's wedding in Ireland.

I write about software development on my blog. Want to know how I may help your project? Check out my project portfolio and online resume.

What I do

Below is a quick overview of my main technical skill sets and technologies I use. Want to find out more about my experience? Check out my online resume and project portfolio.


I have experience with all the main aspects of React and it's ecosystem. It's my framework of choice for building web applications.

Vanilla JavaScript

JavaScript is my bread and butter. Along with vanilla I use ES6+ when developing new projects and also have experience with jQuery.


I use Node daily to manage packages and to build server-side apps and APIs, mainly with the MERN stack.

Github, CSS & HTML

I have years of experience with CSS & HTML and Github is my goto for version control.

Latest Blog Posts

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What Media and Tech Will Look Like in 2020 – Some Predictions

In the run up to Christmas, two of my favorite video series went the way of the dinosaur. It was a disappointing way to end the year. They have been invaluable sources of insight...

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